Tips homecoming 2011

This year looks preparation travelers are not as complex as monitoring team last year. Perhaps the travelers have more sophisticated technology, so that observers travelers simply provide news sparingly.

The travelers who are armed with waze, maps (Gugel) or social media applications are created for the traveler would have felt no need anymore tips back and forth that sometimes outdated. See it if we search our homecoming 2011, still see the map back and forth years ago.

This happens because the map is already in the gadget back and forth respectively. Applications 4Sqr also certain to make the travelers feel so close. Those friends in 4Sqr would so quickly find out the position of friends, complete with the latest conditions experienced by the friend.

Large-scale update will be done by waze, when the new road wazer enable record on their gadgets. Images will appear tandem roller, the screen, which opens new avenues (new map) and the server will record it waze in their data base.

For those not willing to turn their gadgets with applications socmed android or IOS version, please enjoy the tips below.

These tips if you want to still be smiling after homecoming.

Make sure you choose the day of return flow is not at the time of peak reverse current

Make sure when we get home again his time instead of midnight. Try the morning or afternoon.

Make sure the day back from a day before going home rather than come to work, but at least two days before going to work again, so there is an opportunity not to "jet lag".

Brought the best we can for our neighbors. Was served when a neighbor could come or stay in touch with us among her neighbors.

Three of the above is sufficient to be noticed. If there are other entries, please write in the comments field, so these tips may be more useful.
Tips for using CAR back and forth, please refer to the entries below.

Check the condition of the car at the official workshop (unless you have a very convincing amateur garage).

Check spooring foot-2 (if not the car handling good / run to the left / right)

Check the wheel balancing (if a car like riding a horse when a smooth road)

2 & 3 should not be done if the handling is still steady.

tires with nitrogen instead of air (more heat resistant)

Bring spare headlight bulb, choose a cheap wrote about 10rb-an.

If there was tobacco in the house should not be discarded, this is for emergencies, when the air conditioner off and caught rain (dab on the inside of the glass). Can also use shampoo.

Prepare a dime crotchety.

Please bring equipment standards; tool kit, jack, spare tire, P3K box, in terms of 3 security (not CD), wheel lock, a flashlight, syukur2 have electric pumps [conjunction with electrical plugs]. Bucket and some aqua seed 1 liter of water [to drink and who knows radiator suddenly crashed and asked to continue drinking]

Check the condition of the body. Ask yourself, how strong we are able to drive. If you are not sure you should use a professional driver (rates range from 150-200 thousand / day), or search for a co pilot.

Give briefings on all the participants back and forth, that during the trip must attach the face smile, because it is not beneficial and long face to face with a smile can eliminate fatigue on the road.

For those who follow the mailing list, immediately report for membership to temporarily disable or have received a summary of daily mailing list (a mailing list one day)

Although it is still fasting month, it helps bring a guaranteed food nutrition and hygiene, because when going home a lot of stalls that do not have time to wash the dishes properly. Stalls clean secured but less nutritious fast food is fried chicken.

Set the stack of goods ranging from the most not needed on the way up which at times takes on the road.

Select a large gas station to go to the toilet, so if you do not charge the full-full petrol can let me share a fortune to some gas station [this advice without logical basis but you know ..!:-)]. That I recommended is filling stations gas stations Candimas.

Do not ever feel right even though you are on the right path. The risk was hit the wrong road, so do not get to the village even in the hospital. Relented once a year a lot of reward. Amen.

Entourage overtaking trucks / buses from the left can sometimes get rid of stress [for truck / bus road like a turtle hungry], but risks need to be carefully taken into account [see item no 16]

Ahead of Eid, almost all the magazines (especially the gadget magazine) provides tips for going home. Immediately take the map, because the trivial is sometimes needed on the road.

Make sure the mobile phones in a state of full charge. When you bring in some mobile phones, just one or two that turned wrong. If deemed necessary to buy some seeds prime card [from a few carriers], so it can always signal wherever located.

Ensure good bye to the pack of RT and the security guard, so they know if we're not at home anymore. Leave Hand Phone numbers can be contacted. Hopefully be able to leave food for the guard.

Select your departure time according to driving habits, or a driver driving habits. Depart in the morning to enjoy the journey, but slow. Departing night faster but there is a danger sleepy. When confused, always praying, asking God's guidance on.

When you subscribe to the newspaper, make sure it says the same agent to not send the papers until further notice.

Bring your ID Card [ID cards, driver's license, vehicle registration] is valid

Praying before departing. Praying all the way and be thankful when it arrived safely.

For those who carry a child, make sure all the needs and habits of our children already understand, so we have a schedule of when to stop and what needs to be taken to address the child's fussiness.

For users of Android, Blackberry, Notebook, please run the application waze to monitor the trip. It could also Google Maps facility.

For travelers with motorcycles, there are some cheat from AHM workshop. These tips:

Ensure a healthy body condition. Warm up the physical and mental preparation / emotions.

Use standard equipment [helmet full / half face, gloves, light-colored jacket]

Prepare standard equipment [spanner / plugs, pliers, screwdrivers min-plus, wipes and map back and forth]

Enter the first official to the workshop, to complete the examination [of gasoline, fuel meters, batteries, electricity, oil, tires, chains, brakes, oil leaks, lights, mirrors and horn]

Rest every 1-1.5 hours trip. Find a clean place to ISHOMA [large gas stations, fast food stalls, etc.] to avoid a too-selling stalls [washing often forgotten], so for-for fortune to shop less in demand [but clean and cheap]

Just two people for a motorcycle, do not force yourself to take small children

Stop if you want to receive phone [mobile phones]

No one brought a raincoat

When the street hand in hand, keeping a safe distance and avoid talking with other riders. If you do not have to, do not precede [especially from the left side]

On the bumpy road, wear off roader position [buttocks raised slightly, so the legs go into shock absorbers]

Make sure the mobile phones in a state of full charge. When you bring in some mobile phones, just one or two that turned wrong. If deemed necessary to buy some seeds prime card [from a few carriers], so it can always signal wherever located. Do not forget to bring a charger.

It's difficult; bring goods to taste, adjust to the ability of the motor or the risk of uncontrolled motor will befall you.

Be patient and keep the emotional moment, obey Traffic signs. Let other people do not obey, but you must obey! [Do not understand ??!?? He .. he .. he .. why even the emotions I ...!:-)]

Ensure good bye to the pack of RT and the security guard, so they know if we're not at home anymore. Leave Hand Phone numbers can be contacted. Hopefully can make left food for the guard.

Before leaving, be sure to mention all the electrical wiring has been ripped from the plug [refrigerator, a television, iron, radio, etc.]. Regulator gas cylinder has been removed from the tube. All the doors are locked. Put some seeds slippers at the door [impress anyone inside]. Where possible pairs of light sensors [night and day the flame dies].

When you subscribe to the newspaper, make sure it says the same agent to not send the papers until further notice.

Bring your ID Card [ID cards, driver's license, vehicle registration] is valid

For those who join the mailing list, immediately report for membership to temporarily disable or ask mailing list receive a daily summary (1 mailing list one day)

Pray before you travel.

Grateful at all times.


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